The Hon Bob Carr
Former Politician and Journalist

The Hon Bob Carr is one of those recognisable political leaders in Australia. He was the longest serving Premier of New South Wales and served as Foreign Minister of Australia under Prime Minister’s Gillard and Rudd. 

In his 10 years as Premier he set new records for State Government spending on infrastructure, hosted the world’s best Olympics, achieved the nation’s best school literacy levels and bold environmental reforms such as wilderness protection, 350 new national parks and the world’s first carbon trading scheme. 

After leaving federal politics he devoted himself to two of the greatest challenges of the age: for five years he headed a think tank based at UTS on Australia-China relations grappling with China’s rise and the consequences; then for three years he worked as a Professor of Business and Climate at UTS forging solutions to the climate challenge. 

He has had a lifelong interest in the United States and its politics. He served as Scholar of the Australian American Leadership Dialogue and has spoken and written extensively about America, analysing the trends that shape it and determine its future. 

Forbes magazine called Bob Carr a ‘dragon slayer’ for his landmark tort law reforms.