
Keep an eye on the website as more keynote and featured speakers are announced over the coming weeks. 

Click on the below photos to read the speaker's biography.

His Excellency Mr Gopal Baglay

High Commissioner
for India to Australia

Michael Brennan

e61 Institute

The Hon Bob Carr

Former Politician
and Journalist

Kate Du Preez

Head of Sustainability and Corporate Affairs
Anglo American

The Hon Peter Dutton MP

Leader of the Opposition

Kristy Graham

Australian Sustainable Finance Institute

David Gribble

Vice President Product and Technology
Dyno Nobel

Jennifer Hewett

National Affairs Columnist,
Financial Review

Professor Richard Holden

Professor of Economics,

Maki Ikeda

Head of Innovation,

Dr Paul Kelly

The Australian

The Hon Madeleine King MP

Minister for Resources,
Minister for Northern Australia

Amanda Lacaze

Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director
Lynas Rare Earths Limited

Senator Kerrynne Liddle

Shadow Minister for Child Protection and the Prevention of Family Violence

Romilly Madew AO FTSE

Engineers Australia

The Hon Richard Marles MP

Deputy Prime Minister, Minister for Defence and the Federal Member for Corio

Senator Susan McDonald

Shadow Minister for Resources,
Shadow Minister for Northern Australia

Earl Melamed

Head of Global Coal Assets
Glencore Australia

Tim Morris

CEO and Founder,

David Moult

Yancoal Australia

Assoc Prof Edward Obbard

UNSW Nuclear Innovation Centre

Assoc Prof Anita Parbhakar-Fox

Mine Waste Transformation through Characterisation

Hon Tanya Plibersek MP

Minister for the Enviroment and Water

Dr Geoff Raby AO

Geoff Raby & Associates

Paul Richards

Global Head of Resources, Energy & Infrastructure, ANZ Banking Group

Dennis Richardson AC

Former Secretary, Dept of Defence & DFAT,
Former Ambassador of Australia to USA

Prof Alex Robson

Deputy Chair
Productivity Commission

Kate Russell

Chief Executive Officer,
Suppy Nation

Christina Tonkin

Managing Director, Corporate Finance,
ANZ Banking Group

Chris Uhlmann

Sky News & The Australian

Gerhard Veldsman

Roy Hill

His Excellency Mr Gabriele Visentin

EU Ambassador to Australia
Delegation of the European Union

Mike Waller

General Manager,
Atlas Iron

Timothy Weber

100% Renewable Energy Team
Australian National University

Brad Welsh

Chief Executive & Managing Director
Energy Resources of Australia

The Hon Ken Wyatt AM JP

Non-Executive Director
Energy Resources of Australia