Dr Geoff Raby AO
Geoff Raby & Associates

Dr Geoff Raby AO was Australia’s Ambassador to China from 2007-11, during which he visited all provinces in China officially. He served in Beijing as First Secretary (Economic) and then Counsellor (Economic), 1986-91. He was Ambassador to the WTO in Geneva, Ambassador to APEC, and Deputy Secretary, 2003-07. He is a non-executive independent director of ASX listed-companies Yancoal and NetLinkz and sits on the Board of the Gavan Foundaton. 

His most recent book is China’s Grand Strategy and Australia’s Future in the World Order (MUP Nov 2020). He contributes op eds and travel writing to the Australian Financial Review. He holds a PhD in economics. He was awarded the Order of Australia (AO) in June 2019.